|U|nbelieveable!!!!!How can they be in control of the world, i cant believe they have the brains to be in control!
Sep 25, 2007
Amazing work of Art!!!!
WOW!!!!!I didnt think there was this much that you could do with coffee!!!!This guy knows his brew!!!!
Banned Commercial - Bill Clinton Voodoo doll very funny
This is hilarious!!!!Just have a look i wish it were true only they had Bush in the voodoo museum!!!!!:P
Godcast-Episode 1
Hmmmmmm....came across this the other day while browsing thru u-tube. Its got some really nasty comments by people who dont like this idea. What i cant seem to figure out is why the guy has done this in the first place,what would compell the guy to have such a crazy idea!!!Anywhays, i am not for it and not against it either, i in my personal opinion think that the guy should really get out of the house more and engage in more healthy activities rather than doing this. But its his idea of having fun so you cant say anything to anyone, the whole idea of free speech and stuff, i mean people were so upset by the Muslim reaction to the caricatures of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) and they were saying its all free speech and stuff, the whole hippie movement and shit....well this is the same thing guys, its free speech thrown right back at ya!!!!!!!
Sep 22, 2007
Tony Robbins motivates you in 20 minutes: TEDTalks
Professional motivators, they have become the new sensation of the west and its slowly catching up to the East as well. Why do people need to be motivated about their own life? Work motivation i can understand but why your own life? The phenomenon that other people can tell you better how to lead your life or they can tell u things about your life which would make you commit towards your life is not an idea that i can easily digest. How can u expect a person who has never met u, never talked with u and never seen you carry out your day to day activities be in sync with what kind of problems you face day in and day out. How can any one tell you how to lead your life better than you yourself?
Sep 21, 2007
Sep 20, 2007
Cat eyes....or not?
Sep 19, 2007
This ad must have cost Pepsi a fortune to make. What i don't understand is why they did not try and come up with a better concept for the ad having spent so much money on getting the most famous footballers. However you look at it it doest not make any sense. Why are the kids changing into spacesuits and clowns before turning into the soccer players?
Sep 18, 2007
Sad...but true

Sep 17, 2007
Off the Hols
Pakistanis are the 2nd on the list of most charity giving countries...thats right charity giving countries int he world. Dosnt seem like it right? Well come to Pakistan around Ramadan time and you will see that it is true.Every street corner you will see beggars, every corner you will see people standing in line for alms. According to a recent research the avg beggar on the streets of Karachi can collects about Rs 700-1200 daily depending on where that person is and in what locality he/she is working in. Surprised? so was i when i came to know of this statistic. So how is it that a country whose citizens give so much away is still so poor?how is it that a country whose citizens care so much about the wellbeing of others cannot provide the most basic healthcare for most of its nationals?why is the crime rate so high?why is the poverty rate so high?why is the litracy rate so low?Did i miss something somewhere? Cuz according to the stats that i have told you we should have very little poverty,no? The thing is there is a lot of wealth accumulation in this country. The country's government is poor but the people are rich. They don't pay their taxes to the government. The government deducts zakat money from the accounts of the people on the 1st of every Ramadan but usually people have withdrawn their money a few days before and deposit it a few days later. They prefer to give the zakat to people whome they know. Why is it that the people dont trust the government with their zakat money? Why is it that people dont give taxes but would give equivalent amounts in the name of charity? I am thinking about this and you do too, ill wirte my answers in the next post.
Sep 13, 2007
Gods Curse on Man
When you get the flu you look at the whole world from a different perspective. Everything looks irritating and you want to murder everyone around you cuz u have the flu and they dont. You feel rejected and depressed that you were the one who had the flu and not them. There is no medicine that can cure this immediately. No vaccine has been invented that can prevent this flu from infecting you. It evolves, changes shape, develops and learns and mutates and every year comes back in a new form to make man miserable again.
Its like the poem of humpty dumpty,
"all the kings horses and all the kings men could not put humpty dumpty together again" only in this case it would go something like this "all the worlds scientists and all the worlds doctors, could not put together a cure for, the flu"
The ultimate enemy of man, causing billions of dollars to companies worldwide cuz of the sick days that employees take off, it has the power to destroy the economy, the most powerful men of the world are vulnerable to this..........the flu!!!!! BEWARE the person next to you may be infected !!!!!! aaa....aaaa...aaaa....aaaaaaachu!!!
Sep 11, 2007
Make It Happen Part 2, My WORLD!!!!
But looking at what i will do no matter how silly it seems. I would like a world where injustice will not exist. Thats all that i would like to do, remove the injustices, all other things will resolve themselves. In a social system, looking after the needs of the other people in our society, caring for them as we do for ourself. When we see an injustice happening, why is it that the people around not involved dont give a damn?!!!! I mean all our lives we are taught civic sense and all religions give the teaching that look after thy neighbor then how can we forget those values as soon as snap?!! I dont understand why people are so indifferent to the plight of other or rather how could they be so indifferent?
Coming back to the injustices part, for that to happen we have to understand that people should know that if they engage in taking what is not their to take and doing what is not to be done they would be punished as they have to have the feeling that justice will catch up to them in this life. This done people should know that they can seek justice and that they will not be disappointed and their problems will not go unanswered.
For this to be done there has to be an in dependent judicial system which would be free of the interference from political parties and all other domains of public governance.
This however raises a problem that how will the judicial system be monitored and how will they be held accountable for all the power that is placed in their hands? The answer is simple enough, they would be elected by the people themselves and they could be replaced by the people themselves. They would have to understand that there is no room to play god.