Has anyone seen the fevicol glue and adhesives ads that they show on television. Well can u beat this? :P On any local road in Karachi this is a regular sight. In Pakistan we dont need adhesives to stick us to buses, we are natural born stickers :P
About the life and the work routines in Karachi-Pakistan, how things are and how things should be, my views and my complains!!!!! :P
the plight of poor ppl seems an adhesive advertisement?!these sufferers are natural born stickers?!have we become this much detached?
these ppl are the ones living hand to mouth, if they dont go to work for just one day they wont have daal roti to feed their dependents,most of these are earning less than rs.3000 per day and from this petty sum they have to pay bus rent as well?! and for wht?! not even a seat on the bus!!? bus rent concession to dur ki baat our govt. cannot even provide enough buses for the public...thats why these ppl are where u are seeing them...the no. of buses is far less than the no. of public bus travellers...thats why this is a common scene here in karachi...most of these ppl are the ony bread earners in their family,and yet they are risking their lives everyday travelling like this in buses because if they dont they wont have anything to eat neither today nor tomorrow...
still feels like an adhesive ad?!
I am sorry if the picture came off a little too harsh or my words were a little too brash but i had not wanted to make a mockery of the plight of the common man. It was meant to be just all in good fun. There is no feeling in me that would make me disrespect the common man.
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