Oct 3, 2007

Driving in Ramdan

I have always been wary of driving in Ramadan. I don't know where the concept of road rage came from first but Pakistanis are probably the country where this concept is practiced in advanced stages. From the novice driver to the most experienced all engage in the intricacies of implementing road rage in their driving. The average joe cannot figure to control his nerves in the midst of such an onslaught and usually does not drive during rush hour or hires someone else to do it for him.
During Ramadan this concept of road rage is taken to its utmost limits. Bloodshot eyes, frothy mouth, fists waving, sweaty and swearing are the classical symptoms or rather the identification marks of an average driver engaging in road rage.
They will cut in front of you, honk you from behind, change lanes from the wrong end and brake suddenly in front of you, but that is all understood when you start your engines you are entering a race track where there are no rules and no risks too small!
Get set jet go!!!

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